One of the toughest groups of people to insure are those between fifty and sixty-five. Younger people tend to be much cheaper. Older people, over sixty-five, can rely on Medicare.
However, many more Americans are retiring early or starting their own businesses in middle age. Some others just find themself out of work because of economic problems. These people have a lot of concerns. One of the biggest concerns is how to afford health insurance between 50 and 65. That is why I want to discuss under 65 health insurance!
Middle aged people can be tough to insure sometimes. As you probably already know, most health insurance companies charge more for older people. So middle aged people, who are still too young for Medicare, will pay the most. Another issue is that private insurers will charge more, or even decline people, who have pre-existing health issues. As we age, we tend to develop more issues with our health than younger people do.
You still do have some alternatives. You need to study them so you can find a plan to help make sure you can get your health needs taken care of.
First, you may try to get individual health insurance quotes. Compare plans and policies in your area. There is a large variety of plans in most areas, and you may be able to find good coverage you can afford. A lot of people can take health insurance premiums off of their taxes too. This means that they will actually save some money on taxes to offset the premiums.
But also remember that most health plans will require the insured person to pay some out-of-pocket costs too. You may have health insurance, but you probably still have to be responsible for deductibles and co-pays..
HSA (health savings account) health plans consist of a major medical insurance policy and a savings account. Not only can most people deduct the premiums, they can also deduct the contributions made the savings account. This is a way to save money by buying a health plan with a higher deductible, but also to save money to pay out of pocket costs.
If you have health problems, and a private insurer declines you, remember that each state has some sort of high risk health plan. With health reform, the federal government also has a national plan that is being implemented now. These plans help a lot of people get covered, but sometimes the premiums are expensive and not everybody will qualify.
Low income individuals may turn to a county health system or Medicaid. There are also other public and private foundations and charities that can help people fund treatment for various health problems.
There is no doubt that it is tougher for older people to find affordable health insurance. But you should research your options, set your health budget, and then make sure you have some sort of coverage.
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