Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Wealth Tips From Books - Five Essential Wealth Building Books to Read

Building wealth is an inside job.
If you want your prosperity to grow on your outside, then you will have to grow on the inside.
Why is this? The way we think directly impacts what decisions we make and the actions that we take.
If you want to become wealthy, then you are going to have to think and act like the wealthy do.
I am not saying to go out and by a new Porsche, what I am saying is to learn how to think differently.
Rich people really do think and act differently than everyone else.
They see the world, life and situations differently than poor people.
In order for us to get a better idea how they think, we need to read wealth building books.
Here are the Top 5: 1- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: This book has been around for ages.
It will never get old since the principles inside will never seize to be in-effective.
This book has been referred to as a bible for many successful entrepreneurs.
This book was the end result of a 20 year research project of organizing the philosophy of achievement by studying successful people.
The project was assigned to a young Napoleon Hill by his boss (a steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth).
2- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki: Mr Kiyosaki is a best selling author and real estate tycoon.
This book chronicles the real life stories and lessons of a young Robert Kiyosaki.
You will get to look through the eyes Robert when he learned how money really worked from the contrasting views of his rich dad (his wealthy friend's father - this man never finished 8th grade) and his poor dad (his real middle class father-educated and intelligent with a PH.
This book was very inspiring and may open you up to a whole new level of thinking regarding our economy and what is really going on.
Robert has already made many drastic financial predictions that have come to pass.
3- The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by Y.
Harv Eker:
Harv Eker is a motivational speaker and touring lecturer.
In this book you will get a glimpse into the mind of a millionaire assisting you to change the way you think and reset your money blueprint.
The book is split into 2 parts.
Part one helps you identify your blue print and revise it in order to grow.
Part two introduces you to different wealth files.
These files explain how the rich really think and act differently from the poor and middle class.
4- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J.
Stanley and William D.
This book will basically expel the myth behind the millionaire stereotype.
There are many millionaires around us all over the place.
They do not drive exotic sports cars and waste money on other overpriced toys.
These people live in middle class communities and even have simple boring businesses.
However, they know how to economize their budgets and to how to constantly grow their incomes by simple investing.
Some of these guys are even regular dollar store customers.
This book will really open you up to what really can be possible for you.
The average millionaire was not born wealthy.
They were just average people who learned how to worksmarter in order to have money working hard for them.
5- Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction - 7 Essential Ingredients for living a Prosperous Life by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen: This book includes real life stories from successful people who learned to harness the principles of the law of attraction to become prosperous.
It is very easy to understand as well as inspirational.
Each story is followed by exercises and examples to assist you to sharpen your wealth attraction skills.

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