A mere five minutes can change your life.
If you can think about this for five minutes a day not only will you get free from debt but you can also become rich.
When you realize how little it actually takes to do this you will wonder why it is not taught on every street corner.
Well that is a topic for another article.
For this article we are going to get you out of the red and into the black - or out of debt and onto the road of wealth.
What is it, what can I do for five minutes a day that will make all this difference? I have already said it is not a big thing and when you read it remember all great ideas start off with a little idea.
Meaning from this one simple idea you can grow a great fortune, one that will assure you a lifestyle of choice.
Most people will disregard this idea as too trivial, too simple, too easy and they will retire broke.
Not you! Well lets find out.
The five-minute secret is to think about it.
Did you just miss that? You must think about it.
Think about ways and means of you getting out of debt.
Every day you spend five minutes of your life thinking of ways and means of getting out of debt.
What are ways and means? Anything moral and ethical to get you out of debt.
It can simply mean, spend less.
But spend less on what? Well you think about that for your five minutes a day.
It can mean to make some more money, and again, make more money how? You think about it.
I once had a very wealthy man teach this to me, and someone before him taught it to him.
He says the secret is most people just do not think about wealth.
The fact is most people just do not think at all.
Once a person begins to think about a subject continually, opportunities suddenly appear that helps one towards their goals.
The requirements are to do it daily and for a minimum of five minutes.
Do that for a year and you will be totally amazed at the progress in your life.
Commit to doing it for the year as likely the first several months will not show much progress.
It is similar to growing vegetables, for some time nothing seems to be happening and then slowly but surely the plant emerges and your patience and commitment are rewarded.
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