The PS3 yellow light error is a growing problem.
Recent news reports have suggested that the problems associated with the PS3 console are far worse than Sony will admit.
This means that tens of thousands of people now face an expensive repair bill or the daunting task of fixing their broken consoles.
That means that there is now an opportunity to make some serious money repairing PS3 yellow light errors, if you know how.
If you are an electronics expert then you can probably work out how to make the fixes required without any help, but for most people, having a repair guide is an absolute necessity.
Luckily, there are many good repair guides now available via the internet and best of all they only cost a few dollars.
Once you have found a good guide, and read it thoroughly, you can try and fix your first PS3 yellow light error.
I have fixed dozens of consoles with no issues so I know that the procedures work, and once you become familiar with the steps involved you will be able to start offering your services to people in your local area.
Think about it like this.
Sony charge $150 for the repair if your console is out of warranty.
The repair also takes up to 4 weeks to have done.
That means there are many people who are desperate to get their machines fixed but don't know what to do.
They are probably a bit worried about taking their console apart as well, even though its quite a simple process.
You should be able to charge $50-$75 to repair a console, and I doubt anyone will complain about the price.
That means that by fixing only 1 console you will have paid for the cost of your repair guide and any tools you might need to buy - every repair after that is pure profit.
This can really be quite a good little earner, especially if you take some time to promote your services, say via local ads in the newspaper or even via local business listings, cards in stores and so on.
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