Credit card debts are like a financial black hole which can rob your good night sleep.
So first we need to know how to destroy or do away credit card debts.
If you are one of those who use their credit cards at every other place, then you are most likely to face huge credit card debts in future which can also lead to bankruptcy.
After using your credit card you are sure to pile up a lot of credit card debts.
Now if you are unable to clear all your debts you have 2 options in front of you.
They are bankruptcy or debt settlement.
In debt settlement process you can negotiate with your creditors for settling at a lower amount.
Here the amount which you will pay after negotiating with your creditors will be about 40-60% of the original debt you owed to them.
In short you will save a lot of money from this.
Basically, you have two options.
In the first case you can go ahead on your own and start the negotiation process with your creditors and settle for a lower payment.
In this case you need to keep a few things in mind.
It is always better to talk to your creditors in person rather than over phone.
Put down the final deal on paper as you might need to produce this as a piece of documented proof later on.
While sending mail communications always use registered post as this is always a safer option.
Maintain the details of the people you are talking to and never show your eagerness to settle down quickly as this may go against your case.
The other option is approaching a debt settlement company.
They will basically negotiate on your behalf with your creditors to settle for a much lower debt repayment.
They will charge a certain percentage of your debt as their fees.
In this case your burden comes down a lot as the company will take care of the things from your side.
The timeline of solving a case can vary from a couple of months to a few years.
If you are very eager to solve your case quickly it can be done in 3-9 months of time period.
In very exceptional cases the time period can stretch from 1 to 4 years.
But most of the cases get solved within a year's time.
So its always better to start thinking of Debt Settlement early so that you don't have to face bankruptcy situation in future.