- Enter "holysmokes" to unlock unlimited ammunition for whatever weapon you have at the time. Become invincible once you enter "allucaneat" and make all of your napalm weapons track opponents once you enter "2hot." Press "Left," "Right" and "Down" to attack another car from behind. Press "Right," "Down," "Left" and "Up" so that opponents briefly lose sight of you. Hit "Up," "Up" and "Left" to make your car jump at any time. Enter "Up," "Up" and "Right" to get a protection shield for your car. Enter "slamfest" to damage your opponent more when you run into them.
- Type "doubledown" to make all of your weapons twice as powerful as they normally are. Enter "cusucka" to increase the power of all machine guns. Enter "gimmemore" to add to your weapon total. Press "Right," "Left" and "Down" to place mines for opponents to run over. Press "Left," "Right" and "Up" to shoot a freeze blast at another car. You shoot napalm at an opponent once you press "Right," "Left" and "Up."
- Type in "divine" to play God Mode. Play as the Minion car by typing "gloriousbigboy" and the Sweet Tooth car by entering "gloriousicecream".
- While playing with others, type "dasbak" to enter cheats. Any time you want to see the frame rate of your game, enter "framerate". Enter "sleuth" to see the same screen that your opponents do. You also get new multiplayer levels with cheats. Enter "tmroof" to play the Rooftops stage and "jmswamp" to play the Jet Moto Suicide Swamp level. Type "tmburbs" to play the Cyburbia stage.