Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Running Through the Death Checklist

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be hard. However, it is also time to make arrangements for a final goodbye and following up on legal matters. The following death checklist helps you in identifying the pointers that require attention:
€ Call the funeral home to make the necessary funeral arrangements. It is always better to reserve a funeral home in advance. If you have not selected a funeral home ahead of time, then ask a friend, family member or a clergy for a reference to a local funeral home.
€ It is also important for you to obtain 10-15 copies of the death certificate from your funeral director. Getting multiple copies would be helpful later on in legal and financial matters.
€ In case your loved one was receiving social security benefits, then you must immediately notify your local Social Security office of the death to stop these benefits. If you don't inform then overpayments will result in a difficult process of repayment.
€ If you are a surviving spouse, ask about your eligibility for increased benefits. Also, check on benefits that any minor children may be entitled to receive.
€ The next point in the death checklist is to contact the Health Insurance Company or employer regarding terminating coverage for the deceased while continuing coverage for others covered through the policy.
€ Continuing on same lines, you also have to contact the insurance company for all life insurance policies. You will need to provide the policy number and a certified copy of the death certificate and fill out a claim form. If the deceased is listed as the beneficiary on any other policy, arrange to have the name removed.
€ Contact the employer for information on pension plans, credit unions and union death benefits. This brings up to the second point in death checklist as now you will be needing a certified copy of the death certificate for each claim.
€ Return credit cards of the deceased with a certified copy of the death certificate, or notify the credit card company if you, as the survivor, want to retain use of the card.
€ Seek the advice of an accountant or tax advisor about filing the deceased's tax return for the year of the death. Keep monthly bank statements on all individual and joint accounts that show the account balance on the day of death, since you will need this information for the estate tax return.
€ Arrange to change any joint bank accounts into your name. If the deceased's estate is in trust, check with the Trust Department or Customer Service at the bank.
€ Arrange to change stocks and bonds into your name. Your bank or stockbroker will have the forms.
€ Final point in the death checklist, make sure to look into mortgage payments so that they are paid without any delay.
While completing the tasks in the death checklist, you will need the following documents:
o Death Certificates (10 - 15 certified copies)
o Social Security Card
o Marriage Certificate
o Birth Certificate
o Birth Certificate for each child, if applicable
o Insurance Policies
o Deed and Titles to Property
o Stock Certificates
o Bank Books
o Honorable Discharge Papers for a Veteran and/or V.A. Claim Number
o Recent Income Tax Forms and W-2 Forms
o Automobile Title and Registration Papers
o Loan and Installment Payment Books and/or Contracts

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