Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Top 10 Cocktail Party Ideas

Cocktail parties were always traditionally the early part of a dinner party.
They were, and still are held mainly for business or corporate gatherings, but can also be for a family and friends get together.
The cocktail party has now evolved and has become a theme party in its own right.
Take a look at the following cocktail party ideas for some suggestions and inspiration: 1.
For your invitations you could cut a black suit, red shoe or a cocktail glass out of cardboard.
Consider hiring a professional cocktail maker if you're charging your cocktail party to the company.
They provide great entertainment and are well worth the money! 3.
Otherwise you could place several tables around the venue with the ingredients and instructions so guests can make up their own cocktails.
This will provide great entertainment for everybody.
The best decorations you should go with would simply be black and white balloons.
If you have a budget, or if the company is picking up the tab, consider hiring out a butler for an added touch of class.
For your music, go with Jazz or Classical.
Some great choices would be Eddie Harris, Bill Evans or Tosca.
For food, you need to go for finger buffets; small portions but lots of them and lots of choice.
Consider hiring a waiter to serve the food on trays and go through the full delicious range from hors d' oeuvres right through to desserts with plenty between.
Onto the cocktails, the essence and most important part of your cocktail party.
Make sure that you over prepare for this, not leaving anything to chance and you and your guests will be happy.
Stock up on ice, fruit for garnish, straws, little umbrellas and glasses of all shapes and sizes.
Stock up on wine and champagne as cocktails will not be to everybody's taste.
The most popular cocktails will be the cosmopolitan, the dirty and many different variants containing martini.
Stock up on martini!!! Of course, also get in soft drinks and mixers such as orange, cranberry, lime and lemon juice.
Remember that the whole point of a cocktail party is that it is supposed to be a classy occasion.
A little extra expense will go a long way to make your party memorable, so you really should consider the extras such as cocktail makers, chefs, waiters, butlers, musicians or even a valet to park your guests cars.

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