Business & Finance Small Business

How to Adjust the Champion Needle and AWL Sewing Machine

Things You'll Need



Insert a new needle. Check that the needle is seated properly in its position, neither too high nor too low. Match the size of the needle with the diameter of the thread to be used.

Change the awl in the machine to produce the optimum hole size for the thread being used by loosening the screw securing the awl just above the needle. Remove the first awl and insert the second while the screw is loosened. The rule of thumb for Champion machines is that the needle size should be a slightly higher number than the awl size. For example, for a #5 needle, the awl should be #4 and so forth.

Experiment with changing the awl position with the set screw located above it. Use an appropriate screwdriver to adjust the angle and sew a few stitches to observe the result.

Adjust the length of the stitch to suit the project. Some authorities recommend never using a stitch longer than 6 to the inch. On all sewing machines, stitches per inch indicates the length of a stitch. Ten stitches per inch creates a row of fine stitches. Five stitches per inch produces a row of large stitches, possibly large enough to be easily lifted and broken.

Make several rows of stitching in scrap material to determine the appropriateness of needle, thread and awl. Change them to achieve the optimum result in both appearance and strength.

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