Article marketing remains to be the most popular and effective method if you want to achieve higher page ranking on major search engines.
Webmasters and affiliate marketers simply love it because it's free and it consistently delivers great result not only in terms of traffic generation but also in augmenting their sales and profits.
Here are the 5 key steps to improve your article marketing: 1.
Use killer titles that grab attention.
This is the most effective way to entice people to take a second look at your content.
Researches and studies show that articles with lousy titles remain unread and thus, will not be able to generate traffic for you.
Keyword selection.
For every article you write, you must have specific targeted keywords that are frequently being used by your potential clients when they search for particular information over the internet.
Use these keywords on your title, on every paragraph of your articles, and on your resource box to make your content keyword-rich.
Offer useful information.
You must be able to offer your readers solutions to their pressing issues, answers to their burning questions, or information that they will find relevant to their lives.
Share a slice of your expertise to compel your readers to visit your website and subscribe to your newsletters.
Use compelling resource box.
Incorporate a unique selling proposition that will grab the attention of your readers and compel them to visit your website.
Distribute your articles.
Pick the most popular and highly visited article submission sites that can give your articles the exposure they need.
EzineArticles dot com is one of the best publishing sites that attract millions of webmasters, ezine publishers, and online users on a daily basis.
Posting your articles on this site can boost your article marketing success.
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