Make saving money a priority!
We've all heard the phrase, "I can do anything if I put my mind to it!" Well saving money is no different. Regardless of your income, you can save money but it takes discipline! You have to make a firm decision to save and stick to it!
- Pay yourself first.
Make sure that your budget contains a line for saving and do not make it an option. Pay yourself like you pay a monthly bill, even if you have to make it an automatic option. If you're not good at managing money, I do not recommend the automatic option though.
Set up a budget.
- Gather your monthly bills and incorporate them into your budget.
- Also, note the due dates for these expenses. Avoid paying late at all costs!
- Think about all of the categories you spend money on. Some examples are: Restaurants, Grocery, Health Expenses, Insurance, Entertainment, Grooming, Clothing, Gifts, etc.
- Google "budget templates" for sample budgets.
- Make sure that your expenses does not exceed the income you earn.
Give some away.
- I am a firm believer in paying tithes, which is 10% of earned income. Any financial book you read will advise you that a sure fire way to receive and retain money is through charitable giving to others. Whether it be to a religious institution, your favorite non-profit organization, or to somebody you know in need, it should always be a part of your budget.
Open a checking/savings account that does not have membership fees.
- Seems like a no-brainer, but you'll be surprised.
Kill debt!
- Saving by its very nature is surplus or having an excess. Until your current debt is leveled to $0, it will be very hard to actually save money, however it IS very possible to set money aside while tackling your debt at the same time.
- Get rid of credit card debt! The interest rates alone have the ability to keep you in financial bondage forever.
- Set up a savings goal and include dates as well.
Shave, shave, shave!!
- Take a look at your budget and shave it down so that you can increase the amount of money you save and the amount of money you put towards your current budget.
- Look to save and:
- Prepare food at home or eat at home before heading to social events.
- Never go grocery shopping while you're hungry.
- Try out generic brands.
- Change your cell phone, internet plans.
- STOP using credit cards!