Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Take Care of Your Brain - Increase Memory and Become Smarter

The human mind is an amazing thing.
It commands every system in our bodies and yet we know so little about it.
It is capable of so much, but most of us hardly use it.
It is astonishing how many people take excellent care for their bodies, but completely overlook their minds.
There are so many diets and so many exercise programs out there.
There are people exercising and running everyday and yet the highest mental activity they perform during the day is working on a project or a paper at work.
Some solve crosswords or Sudoku puzzles from time to time, but usually the main preoccupation off work is watching television or sitting in front of the computer.
After reading this you will try to deny it and to find some kind of an excuse, but do not worry, you are not alone.
The sad truth is that 99% of the human population does not use the brain as it was intended to be used.
Why is that? The answer is so simple that is unbelievable - because it is not interesting.
Yes, that is right.
Nobody wants to do something boring.
In addition, demanding mental activities like studying for an exam or trying to solve a mathematical problem are difficult too.
Most of us after finishing our education just stop doing mentally difficult tasks.
However, this is happening only because most of us actually do not know how to use the brain properly.
The human brain has an amazing capacity for learning and gaining knowledge.
It has immense computational power.
It can create something out of nothing.
It can fantasize and sculpt entire worlds.
So, we come to an obvious question - Why some people are smarter than other.
The obvious answer is because their parents were smarter i.
they have genetic predispositions for intelligence.
But, this is only a theory and there is no proof that it is true.
If that is the case, than how do you explain geniuses? If the genetic theory is correct, their parents should have been highly intelligent.
But, history has shown that this was not the case.
There is a simpler solution to this problem.
It is so simple that most of us refuse to accept it.
These people are not actually smarter than the "average Joe".
Through their growing up process they simply have found a way to tap into the brain's unlimited potential.
Some have done it naturally and some trough training.
But the point here is that it can be done.
And it can be done by anyone.
You have the potential to be a genius.
You can do everything that you set your mind on.
You just need to be determined enough and to devise a system to train your brain properly.
Do not be like the majority of the human race.
So many people devote huge amounts of time on improving their bodies, but do nothing to improve their mind.
Be different.
Increase your memory and brain power through hard work.
Become smarter thus becoming more productive, more efficient and more organized.
Change your life completely by improving your self-esteem and self-confidence.

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