Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Healthy Heart - Psychological Factors

If you want to have a healthy heart, you should have a relaxed mind.
Don't you agree? If you don't, probably you are thinking that while the heart is a physical entity, the mind is only a conception in our imagination.
But Science has accepted the connection between the body and the mind.
In fact, certain illnesses are characterized as psychosomatic.
The term 'psychosomatic' denotes that our thoughts and feelings which are generated by the mind can be causes for development of certain types of physical illness.
We can understand the connection between a healthy heart and a healthy mind from the well known fact that your blood pressure goes up when you are tense or worried.
Since changes in blood pressure will create a stress on the heart by requiring the heart to pump blood at a faster rate, the heart can experience strain.
Therefore, in addition to any medication you may have to take to cure your heart ailments, you can also do a few things using your mind, things which will help in making your heart healthy.
Develop a 'Be happy' attitude: One thing that can tremendously enhance the functioning of your heart is being happy.
It is true that a lot of things could happen to make us unhappy.
But, we still have the power to choose to be happy.
This will be possible by developing a 'be happy' attitude.
This means cultivating an attitude that the natural state of your mind is one of happiness.
If the mind were to experience some unhappiness, it should quickly revert back to its natural state of happiness.
Once you develop this kind of attitude, you will find that you are able to quickly regain your natural state of happiness after any unhappy situation you may experience.
Your mind will acquire the resilience of a spring which will compress under pressure but will come back to its original position, the moment the pressure is released.
Be active: An idle mind is a devil's workshop but an active mind can make you feel good.
Physical or mental idleness will sooner or later develop into a state of frustration.
Therefore, if you can keep your mind active by engaging yourself in some activity or pastime, it will do a lot of good to your heart.
When you are engaged in activities that interest your mind, you will find that you are in a state of euphoria most of the time.
This will keep your heart healthy.

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