- 1). Put on the safety glasses.
- 2). Clean and smooth one end of the metal tube with the de-burring tool or metal file. This removes any tiny metal fragments sticking off the edge of the metal tube.
- 3). Measure the size of the bead along the length of the hole with the digital calipers.
- 4). Add 3 to 4 mm to this size and mark the metal tubing, measuring from the end you just cleaned and de-burred.
- 5). Cut the tube at the mark using the jeweler's saw or metal tubing cutter.
- 6). Clean and smooth the newly cut end of the metal tube you just cut with the de-burring tool.
- 7). Insert the small metal tube inside the bead hole with an even amount sticking out of each end of the hole.
- 8). Set the bead and tube in place on the bead coring tool and tighten the lever until the bead is firmly held in place.
- 9). Turn the lever slowly to flare the end of the metal tube around the edge of the bead hole. Depending on the specific bead coring tool you use, you may need to turn the lever a small amount, turn the bead over, and repeat the process, one small turn at a time, until the flaring is complete and the tube is firmly set on the bead. Turning the lever slowly in small increments decreases the chance of breaking the bead from too much tightening, or splitting the metal of the tube.
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