Ejaculation denial is a poorly understood lifestyle choice that's far more popular than you'd ever believe.
Tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of couples live in relationships where the man is simply not allowed to orgasm.
But why choose...
Ejaculation denial? Well, perhaps the easiest and simplest way I can put it is to say it's the closest he's ever going to get to a multiple orgasm.
You see, as you probably know, male sexuality is in the main driven by the male orgasm, and, as you also probably know to your frustration...
once he's had once, he's not much use for anything else for some time.
But what's really annoying is he wasn't always like that; and unless you've been together since you were young, you know it's not just his age, either.
Now, before you go pointing any fingers, the truth is it's not his fault - and it's not his fault, either.
It's just biology.
Happily, we don't have to stand for it, because we're not powerless in the face of this slow deterioration of our sex lives.
No, because ejaculation denial can stop it dead in its tracks and within days (literally) rekindle all the heat, passion and romance you remember from your early days together.
And, believe it or not, your man wants this intimacy again.
He knows his own failing and most men will willingly embrace ejaculation denial - no matter how strict (my husband isn't going to orgasm for the whole of this year, and he's fine with it...
even if he does groan and moan from time to time as i take him to the edge and...
stop) - once they understand the benefits.
Because it's a small price to pay for a more intense, loving and intimate relationship in which he is permanently half-way to the orgasm he wants, needs and craves but is not permitted to have.
Of course, during all this he is attending to his lady's needs, something that serves only to make the experience even more intense and erotic for him.
And when you DO allow him to come...
oh MY! (Although permanent orgasm denial has its attraction, too).
My husband John and I have been living this way for over three years and his orgasms are now few and very, very far between.
So, if you're SICK and TIRED of the hype and nonsense you read on the 'net about ejaculation denial and male chastity and you want the truth from a genuine 24/7 lifestyle couple, then...
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