If you have not been having the luck you think you should experience with sales from your web site, the problem may not be with the web copy itself.
Your problem may be that you have not found the right way to present your text in an appealing manner to your prospective clients.
Here are a few tips you can use to dress up that perfectly sound web copy and make it more visually attractive to your potential clients.
Nothing turns off a prospective client quite like the prospect of having a page full of small print to read.
Imagine the consternation of a prospect who comes to your site hoping to quickly learn what you are about and what you have to offer and what he or she finds is a thousand words on a web page.
More than one prospect will simply go back and search for someone else to meet their needs.
Using headers to break up your text can make all the difference.
Bright colored headers that work well with the background of your pages will allow the prospect to quickly locate and read the parts that are of immediately interest.
Avoid using color schemes that will call more attention to the colors than to the text.
The idea is to make the reading experience more attractive to the consumer, not sidetrack him or her into wondering what you were drinking when you came up with that color combination.
Consider the use of bullets to make your key points.
If you have a page full of text, chances are you used too many words to make your very important points.
Scale it back and use the bullets to help your prospect focus in on what you have to offer.
You may also want to vary the actual font size a bit here and there.
While keeping all the fonts in a style that is easy to read, think about using a slightly larger font for your headers or perhaps having all your bulleted points in bold.
The slight variety in the way the text appears will add a note of visual interest, as well as help your web pages to be more easily scanned by your visitors.
Approach your web page design just as you would design a one page print ad.
Incorporate visual elements that make your excellent web copy stand out and pull potential customers in rather than repel them.
With just a little visual diversity, you can have a look that is both visually appealing as well as informative.
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