Health & Medical Depression

Am I Suffering From Depression?

It's a question which thousands of people ask themselves every day.
First of all it's important to make a distinction between depression and say, being very unhappy or having an attack of the blues.
When we are unhappy in any of the many forms it takes, life may indeed look gray and flat but we can still relate to the world and other people in a meaningful way.
We can be cheered up or consoled and we don't hate ourselves completely.
Depression, on the other hand, is a condition in which we feel a profound dread, a fear of life and death and above all a deep self-loathing.
People who are depressed feel trapped in this terrible way of thinking and can't imagine that there is any way out.
The good news is that there are indeed many ways out of the condition.
The first important thing is to understand why it is that so many people find themselves in this dilemma Remember also, that it is estimated that at least four per cent of the world population suffer from depression at any one time.
Research indicates that childhood experiences may play an important role and there is some evidence that there may also be a genetic factor.
The "Am I suffering from depression?" question however cries out for a solution and here we are, thankfully on firm ground.
First of all though it's important to rule out any physical problem.
Sometimes what can be a quite simple malady can cause tiredness and loss of interest in life so a quick check up may be called for.
That being taken care of a regime of exercise may very often be at least part of the solution: walking, jogging or maybe something more exotic like yoga have been shown to be highly effective in at least helping to relieve the condition.
Your doctor may prescribe antidepressant drugs but it's important to monitor their side effects carefully and if you find a particular type does not agree with you, don't hesitate to report this.
If you have been on antidepressants for some time however don't come off them suddenly without medical advice.
But perhaps the most effective remedy is the so-called talking therapies as these very often answer not only the question "am I suffering from depression?" but "why am I suffering from depression?" So find yourself a good counselor or psychologist and you will almost certainly have taken the first step on the road to recovery.

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