- 1). Determine the amount of drywall necessary to complete the job by totaling the square footage of the ceiling and walls. Drywall comes in a standard 4 foot width but lengthes vary from 8 feet to 10 and 12 feet. Plan the job so that you end up with as few joints as possible. Drywall comes in varying thicknesses. Check local building codes to find out the required thickness, if any, for the job.
- 2). Hang drywall on the ceiling. You'll need a partner to help hold the panels in place while you secure it with fasteners (nails or screws). Butt the panel into a corner as tightly as possible, then fasten it to the studs. Place a fastener every 12 to 16 inches along all studs under the drywall panel. Drive fastener slightly below the surface of the drywall so that joint compound has a hole to fill and will cover the fastener head. Butt the next panel tightly against the previous panel. Repeat until the ceiling is covered.
- 3). Cut drywall to smaller sizes to fit. Measure the size needed, draw a line on the paper on one side of the panel using the straightedge, score the paper by running the utility knife along the line guided by the straightedge, and then snap the panel so that it breaks along the scored line.
- 4). Hang the drywall on the walls, either vertically or horizontally. Horizontal installation will minimize the number of seams, and the largest seam will be at a comfortable height for filling and sanding. Begin working from the ceiling, butting panels tightly against the ceiling panels. When hanging the lower panels, use a wooden wedge to hold them butted tightly against the upper ones. Fasten wall panels in place in the same fashion as the ceiling panels.
- 5). Fill seams with joint compound. Spread a thin layer of compound the width of the drywall tape and then spread a thin coat of joint compound over the tape, squeezing the tape against the drywall. Allow to dry for 24 hours.
- 6). Apply a slightly wider swath of joint compound. You may apply one or two more coats of joint compound, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next one. Fill all nail holes with joint compound so that joint compound is even with the surface of the drywall. Use the corner knife to push joint compound and drywall tape into all corners, working the same way as all other seams.
- 7). Sand the joints and nail holes after the joint compound has dried completely. Sand lightly, feathering the edges until they blend with the surface of the drywall sheet. Do not expose the drywall tape. Because this step creates a great deal of dust, use goggles and face mask to protect eyes, nose and mouth.
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