Ornaments came into being as things of human beautification – particularly beautification of ladies – only after the invention of metals. While selecting parts of human body for adorning with Jewells, only the most prominent places which get maximum exposure were the preferred options. First preference was given to face and the ideal place for piercing, to wear light or heavy items of jewels were the ears and nose. Somehow piercing the nose, as is prevalent in most of the tribal communities, was not encouraged by British origins, right from the Anglo-Saxon period. But ears got ear-rings which are continuing till today.
Neck was next in the agenda, which is also a popular selection of a place to adore with necklaces and chains. Of all the places, the most convenient one to wear small pieces of ornaments was the fingers in hands and so Rings – especially Silver Jewellery Rings – became instantly popular. The special feature about Rings is it is the universally popular item of jewellery, among innumerable items and listless varieties of Jewells. One more special effect about Rings is it is suitable for both men and women, and this distinction cannot be conferred to any other jewellery item you can think of.
One can write volumes about the usefulness of Rings and their flexibility. The first and foremost is the sanctity given to it, by the Christian Religion. A wedding is solemnized by the exchange of Rings between the bridal couple. No other Religion gives this much of importance to Rings. That's how you cannot see a single Silver Jewellery London shop, which does not have enough stock of assorted Wedding Rings.
We know Silver is a precious metal like Gold. What is Sterling Silver or Sterling Silver Rings UK? Well – as in the case of Gold, pure silver is too soft for making sturdy and longer-lasting ornaments. So a special alloy with 92.5% Silver plus 7.5% Copper mixed is used for making Sterling Silver Ring. Owing to the heavy demand of Silver Jewellery items by the British people, this alloy was invented and used in the entire Europe including UK, which is not so familiar in other Asian countries.
The specialty features of Rings will not be complete, without mentioning certain superstitions and beliefs people have over them. Apart from designing exquisite carvings and art-works in plain metal Rings, there are also Rings embedded with precious stones of all sorts. Gems of different colours and qualities are chosen for being embellished on Silver Rings, to bring forth luck in accordance with the individual Zodiac signs or driving away evil forces. This is common for both ladies and gentleman, as every one wishes good-luck to favor them and shuns evil forces.
The other solitary aspect of Sterling Silver Rings is they are ideal for presentation as Gift, on any occasion for the reason they are special in British tradition.
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