Millions of drivers in California are desperate for cheap high risk auto insurance as an alternative to driving illegally without any coverage whatsoever.
Fortunately California recognizes this and has created two super cheap policies that virtually anyone can afford.
One policy, known as the California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program, or CLCA, provides low-income families and individuals not only a cheap policy (average cost around $400 per year) but they provide payments that are so low virtually everyone can afford to drive legally.
This plan has certain requirements.
To learn more simply call (toll free) 1-866-602-8861.
But even if you don't qualify for the CLCA program you can still purchase a super cheap basic liability policy here in California.
California offers every driver in the state the opportunity to buy its 15/30/5 coverage.
If you are found to be at fault in an accident your basic liability policy will pay a maximum of $15,000 to any one individual who is injured by your vehicle and it will pay a maximum of $30,000 in medical payments if two or more people are involved in the same accident.
It also pays a maximum of $5,000 toward any property damage that your vehicle caused.
This policy, while allowing you to drive on California streets 100% legally, is risky.
The risk stems from the fact that the maximum payouts of this policy may not be enough to actually pay for all of the medical bills or for the property damage that can result from even a medium-sized accident.
If the bills are greater than your insurance will cover, YOU could be forced to pay the difference, even if it means spending all of your savings or even selling your home.
Also you need to be aware that a basic liability policy only covers the other people and the other vehicle in an accident.
Your liability policy won't pay a penny toward your medical bills or the medical bills of any passengers in your vehicle nor will it pay even one penny toward repairing your car.
If you really want to save money here is the biggest secret there is:Buy your auto insurance online.
Online dealers offer the best rates BY FAR.
They offer auto policies at discount prices and the competition is so fierce that they are willing to make deals that you simply won't believe.
If you really want to save a bundle on your auto coverage you have no choice but to buy your policy online.