It is a sad fact that seniors are increasingly becoming the target of criminal elements.
This is because most older persons spend a great deal of their time alone.
Another reason is because seniors are less capable of defending themselves.
Whatever the reason is behind the targeting of seniors by criminals and people who are intent on doing them harm, it is important that older people should know how to stay out of trouble.
Seniors should know the right steps to take in order for them not to become victims.
Safety Tips for Seniors In order to help out seniors to stay safe, here are some tips and ideas that they could use: Stay Out of Danger An effective way to stay safe is to keep away from places that are known for having bad elements.
Going into those places alone would most likely be like tempting fate.
Just staying away would already be a smart move.
Be Confident Criminals and other bad elements that victimize other people choose their targets.
They pick on older people because they consider them to be weak.
Old and timid people are especially tempting targets for them.
When in public, seniors can try walking with confidence and a sure step.
Holding their heads up and walking like they know where they are are going and that they are about to do something important are effective ways to prevent targeting.
They would think twice about targeting someone like that.
The Placement of the Vehicle When an older person is going to an establishment, he should try to park his vehicle in an area that is as close to his destination as possible.
That would prevent him from having to walk too far to and from the car.
In getting back to the vehicle, he should look at it as he approaches and figure out how he can get in and drive away as quickly as he can.
Get Help Right Away Confronting a criminal alone is not something that's recommended, especially for an older person.
If a senior were ever challenged by another person, who might do some harm, one call for help right away from the people around.
Having a personal alarm could also help out.
Self Defense Moves and Tools In some cases learning some simple but effective self defense moves could payoff.
Sometimes a criminal might be set on attacking a senior no matter what preventive steps are taken.
Knowing these steps could be a life saver.
There are also some non-lethal weapons for self-defense which can be carried by seniors legally.
It is important to realize though that when the attacker has a knife or a firearm and is using it to threaten, the best thing to do is to cooperate.
Losing some money and a couple of items is better than losing one's life or getting seriously hurt.
These are safety tips for the outside, when one might be taking a trip.
There are other things that can be done to make sure that one will be staying safe when are inside the home.
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