Health & Medical Anti Aging

Vitamin C Serum - Know What You Are Buying

Vitamin C Serum is one of the most tested natural treatments in the battle against aging.
Dermatologists agree that it is a safe, natural alternative to chemical peels, laser treatments and even surgery.
Clinical tests support that regular use of Vitamin C Serum promotes collagen synthesis in the dermis of the skin, which makes it an excellent choice for anyone who has wrinkles or age spots.
We all know that Vitamin C is necessary in our diet, but what makes it so good for our skin? It turns out that this water-soluble nutrient is a strong antioxidant.
Antioxidants are substances that are able to eliminate or stabilize free radicals in our body and these free radicals are linked to aging.
We are all exposed to free radicals by things such as smoking, pollution and sunlight.
Free radicals break down our skin's structural support and decrease elasticity, resilience, and suppleness.
Our skin is normally supported by collagen, but free radicals break it down.
Vitamin C actually promotes collagen production.
Studies show that it not only helps to stimulate more collagen, but it can also help to repair damaged collagen in the skin.
Clinical studies showed measurable improvement with photo-damaged skin and wrinkles.
Countless clinical trials have also revealed that not all serum is the same.
L-Ascorbic Acid is the accepted leader in effectiveness.
Various studies indicate that 20% Vitamin C serum provides the highest level of absorption for the skin.
Anything less or more cannot provide best results.
However, many products on the market contain derivatives or L-Ascorbic Acid content above or below this level.
Some of these derivatives are actually dangerous to use.
One of the biggest issues with Vitamin C Serum is its instability.
Like all antioxidants, the chemical makeup changes easily when exposed to air, light, temperature, oxidizing agents and changes in pH levels.
Manufacturers have experimented with many ways to package Vitamin C including creams and ointments, but the penetration of serum is superior.
Unfortunately, much serum oxidizes before it even hits the market.
Unless the product has been specially formulated and is in an airtight and opaque package, it will be rendered useless.
Even if the serum is clear, most formulations will only last 21 days after they are opened.
How can you tell if the serum oxidized? The serum will be yellow, orange or brown colored instead of clear.
This is a sign that it has turned to Dehydro Ascorbic Acid.
Beware - some manufacturers color their product so that you cannot tell.
As always, read the label.
If you see color as an ingredient, avoid it.
Fortunately, the industry has found new ways to preserve the serum to avoid oxidation.
Look for products with microencapsulation.
This delivery method has been used for years for medication and it is the perfect fit for antioxidants too.
The active ingredient is trapped in smaller beads within each droplet so that it is protected from elements that would cause it to oxidize.
The added benefit of microencapsulation is that it delivers the active ingredient at a regulated pace, instead of a blast and then nothing.
This is why pharmaceuticals embraced it for so many products over so many years.
Don't be swayed by the price tag when you look at Vitamin C Serum either.
If they don't have 20% Vitamin C or microencapsulation then you are not getting your money's worth.
Even products advertised as high-end will oxidize if they are not properly manufactured, and some of them cost hundreds of dollars.

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