Health & Medical Children & Kid Health

Bullying: An Old Problem in a New Era

Bullying: An Old Problem in a New Era

Bullying Defined

Most adults can recall a situation in life when they have been bullied. A substantial proportion of children and adolescents are victimized by their peers at some point during their school years. Generally, these events are limited to playgrounds and hallways of elementary and high schools. However, in recent years, bullying has evolved from what used to be thought of as the "big kid picking on the little kid" to a growing and serious psychosocial and behavioral disorder. The evolution of bullying coincides with the growing access to mobile devices and Internet-based social networking. Management of bullying behavior poses complex social and policy questions for all who are affected, including students, parents, teachers, schools, law enforcement, healthcare providers, and policy-makers.

More Than Just Physical Prowess

While there are several different ways to define bullying, 3 criteria must be present. First, there must be aggressive behavior with an intention to harm. Second, bullying is carried out repeatedly and over time. Third, there must be an interpersonal relationship that is characterized by an imbalance of power. Combined, these 3 elements make bullying distinct from other forms of aggressive behaviors.

How Often Does Bullying Really Occur?

As many as 30% of school-aged children are bullied. Boys are generally more likely to both bully and be bullied. Boys typically use physical measures in bullying such as punching or kicking. Girls, on the other hand, use more psychosocial tactics such as spreading rumors or excluding other girls from social events.

Although bullying can occur in any setting, it commonly occurs at school and its forms will likely continue to evolve and instances increase as cyber bullying becomes more prolific. Social networking sites have provided new arenas in which bullies can enact harm on others.

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