In 1st house, the native is devoid of happiness, denotes loss and scandal. Afflicted health of eyes and face. Avaricious, worried. Domestic happiness is impaired. But Ketu here in Capricorn or Aquarius is benefic.
In 2nd house, misfortune in finances, loss to property, fear and worries.
In 3rd house, gives mental anxiety, is intelligent, has unfavourable journeys. Loss of brother. Long life but wound on arm is indicated. Courageous.
In 4th house, family discord. Loss of ancestral property. Malicious.
In 5th house, denial or shortage of children and little happiness from them.
In 6th house, afflicted health, many enemies but one will overpower them. Danger from reptiles or animals. Famous, fixed views, childhood not happy.
In 7th house, troubled married life, sick wife, may cause separation illegal connections with opposite sex, adulterous, worried, loss of vitality.
In 8th house, loss through fraud, sudden or violent death. Wounds, separation from dear ones. One has desire for others property and wives.
In 9th house, unfortunate travels and imprisonment in foreign land. Wealthy, pilgrimage indicated, religious, but worried. Proud, courageous, intelligent, shrewed, accidents from courageous, intelligent and a hypocrite.
In 10th house, loss to position by deception and adverse public conditions. One is against father. Courageous, intelligent, shrewd, accidents from conveyance, is wealthy.
In 11th house, undersirable association, false friends. Wealthy, popular, good authority, gain, and success. Good deeds. Few sons and worries from them.
In 12th house, loss and troubles through secret enemies. Afflicted health is secretive. Sinful deeds and licentious. Eye disease. Weak and victorious in disputes.
Note:- The results of planets in different houses as enumerated above are not firm. The same be modified according to the sign they are posited in and the aspects the planet receive along with conjunction and transit of other planets etc.
The above mention details about reading for rahu are given by World Famous Astrologer Hemant Sharma ji. He is having thousands of clients and devotees worldwide who takes his astrological consultancy.
You can contact on +91 9936111075 INDIA forfree astrology or online free consultancy add Astrologer Hemant Sharma ji [email protected] .