- 1). Prep the floors with a good cleaning. Use a broom to sweep the entire area. Use a paint brush to get into corners and cracks. Stick a piece of tape to the floor and peel it off to determine readiness by seeing what debris it picks up.
- 2). Mix water and etching solution together in a bucket following the manufacturer's instructions. Wet the entire floor using a hose. Dip a push broom into the etching solution. Scrub the garage floors with broom focusing on small areas at a time. Etching will help to remove stuck-on stains. Rinse floor thoroughly when finished and allow to dry. Wear protective eye glasses and gloves when completing this step.
- 3). Open and stir the epoxy paint. Add a can of epoxy hardener into the paint and stir together for three minutes. Allow the mixture to set for 30 minutes. Do not be alarmed if the can becomes warm. This means the chemicals in the paint and the hardener are reacting together. Keep mixture out of the sun at all times.
- 4). Start painting. Use a paintbrush to paint the epoxy around all corners and into the cement block seams. Use a paint roller with an extension handle to cover the entire floor. Do one 10 by 10 foot section at a time. Toss in the color flakes while the paint is still wet in the same manner you would sprinkle grass seeds. Move on to the next section and repeat. Do this quickly as the epoxy must be used within two hours of mixing with the hardener. Allow the floor to dry for 24 hours.
- 5). Combine hardener with the top coat and stir for three minutes. Allow mixture to sit for approximately 30 minutes and stir in anti-skid granules right before application. Keep mixture away from direct sunlight at all times.
- 6). Apply top coat to garage floor. Use a roller with an extension handle to apply top coat all over the floor. Do not worry about the white appearance as it will dry clear. Steer clear of the garage for 24 hours and do not park any vehicles or lawnmowers on the floor for 72 hours.
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