Health & Medical Parenting

Tubal Reversal and Short Tubes

When a woman has booked her tubal reversal surgery there will always be concerns that will pop up.
Many times women will worry that their tubes will not be repairable.
Or that they will come out of surgery with short tubes and not be able to get pregnant.
With tubal reversal surgery there are factors that will be a determinate in the success.
The first is your age at the time of the reversal procedure.
The second is how much damage was done to the tubes at the time of the ligation.
And the third is the experience of the surgeon who is performing the surgery.
When a woman has her reversal the lengths of the tubes after the procedure is a factor but having shorter or short tubes does not mean pregnancy cannot happen.
It may take a bit longer but it is not impossible.
The leading tubal reversal center has a very active message board and this is one of the leading discussions that take place.
Many times after a woman has her reversal she will check in and report how she is feeling as well as how long her tubes are after repair.
With the women on the message it is always a moment of congratulations because the patient has made it to the other side and can now begin the tubal reversal journey.
When a woman goes to her regular physician there may come a time that she is told that she will not get pregnant because of short tubes.
This is not true.
There are many women that have short tubes that go on to not just have one tubal reversal pregnancy but two and three with healthy children.
One of the main lessons to be learned is to not give up hope.
Although it may seem like it is taking forever pregnancy will happen when the time is right.
For some it can happen within months after surgery while for others it can take a year or more.
One of the best things a woman can do that is trying to conceive is to surround herself with support.
Having support of family members or other women going through the same thing can help alleviate any fears and to make the journey a bit easier.
Sometimes family members are not "on board" with the decision and women who are going through the same thing can not only lend an ear but may be able to offer advice to help with the situation.

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