Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Stress, Having A Bad Day, Or Cravings

Are you trying to stop smoking? Do you feel that stress, having a bad day, or cravings make you smoke? Or perhaps this is someone you care about, and they quote these reasons as why they cannot stop.
The good news is that all the above is tappable.
Tappable means that it can be tapped away with EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques.
If you are new to EFT, it is a form of emotional acupressure, where you stimulate easy-to-reach acupressure points whilst using releasing wording.
The combination of these that EFT uses helps you release any emotional block in your path.
You can download a free guide from many online resources, and as long as you know the basics, you can follow the simplified tapping suggestions in this article.
So let us take each of the above common examples and work that strategy with EFT.
It is good when someone quotes stress or a bad day as the reason they smoke.
This is because the first step to releasing this reason to to recognize it and own it.
Then we can tap on it.
We need top be specific though, as life throws a lot of stress our way, and we need to focus on one bit at a time with EFT.
In order to do so, you can ask yourself for one event in your life which was stressful.
It does not matter when this was; whatever comes up for healing is fine.
And then ask yourself, as you think of this event, how likely are you on a scale of 10-0 to smoke? Then keep tapping for it until zero.
Each day, you can choose one event, and tap through them methodically.
You can simply tap the following.
Setup "Even though I have this feeling about this stressful event, I accept myself anyway.
" Reminder "This stressful event".
With cravings, you simply tap for these as they occur.
With time, there will be less of them.
This is great for anyone going cold turkey who wants an easier time with cravings.
You can simply tap as follows until the craving goes away or subsides.
Setup "Even though I have this craving, I deeply accept myself.
" Reminder "This craving.
" Of course, you can always get for expert EFT help if you want to speed this process up.
However, this should certainly help you get started.
It can also help you feel more balanced, calm, and strong.

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