Health & Medical Parenting

How to Create a Chalkboard on the Wall in a Kid's Bedroom


    • 1). Choose a wall to paint your chalkboard onto. Avoid areas near furniture such as the wall that your child's bed rests against. Make sure that the wall is large enough to contain the chalkboard and leaves room for your child to freely move about.

    • 2). Thoroughly wash the wall with a sponge and warm water. Allow time for the wall to dry completely.

    • 3). Use a level and ruler to measure out your chalkboard. Draw the outline with a pencil. The chalkboard can be any size and shape that you wish, depending on your needs as well as the size of the wall. Place the start of the outline closer to the floor than the ceiling so that your child will be able to reach all parts of the board. Ask your child to stand near the wall and pretend to draw on an imaginary chalkboard to gauge the true size that you will need.

    • 4). Firmly place painter's tape around the edge of the outline. Press to secure.

    • 5). Cover the floor and any nearby furniture with a tarp or drop cloth.

    Painting the Chalkboard

    • 1). Stir your chalkboard paint as needed. Pour the paint into the tray, adding enough to coat the bottom of the tray.

    • 2). Roll the roller through the tray, coating it completely on all sides. Gently tap or roll off any excess paint back into the tray.

    • 3). Roll the paint onto the entire interior section of the taped off chalkboard design, avoiding the edges. Use a nylon brush to carefully paint in the edges near the tape. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for dry times and re-coat times, as different companies may have different instructions based on the formula. Re-coat if necessary, and allow the chalkboard to dry completely.

    • 4). Gently peel off the tape and discard it. Create a frame by measuring and taping a second outline that is at least 3 inches from the edge of the chalk board on each side. Use the level and ruler to keep the pencil drawing line straight and aligned with the actual chalkboard. Place an outline of tape along the pencil line. Press firmly.

    • 5). Pour any color of interior paint that you like into a new or thoroughly cleaned paint tray. Use a clean nylon brush to fill the frame in. Allow time to dry and re-coat as needed.

    • 6). Wait for the paint to completely dry, following the manufacturer's directions. Peel the tape off to reveal your chalkboard's frame.

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