Take this quick quiz:
When you call them, do your friends and family:
A. Cringe
B. Fake an urgent phone call you have to take
C. Hang up and there after avoid you
Do they avoid you at family gatherings and social events? Do you sit by yourself in church?
If so, you've probably tried to recruit from your warm market.
Your warm market is your friends, family, co-workers, fellow church goers and the nice people at the PTA. These are people you know and are the first people your recruiter probably tells you to contact when you join a network marketing or multi level marketing business.
They are the safe people, who, because they care about you, will listen to your story about the next greatest business since people started charging for the oldest profession (think about it :-)
And some will buy your products and some may even join your company. But did they buy your products or join your company for the right reason? Was it love, pity, the desire to "help her out - she needs a break"? Or were they genuinely committee to the product and service your company offers? If they aren't, they may end up more of a liability than an asset.
Your warm market can be a tremendous source of support and leads for your business. But you should limit the recruitment. These are the people who'll you'll be associating with for the next umpteen years. If you don't succeed, do you really want them recounting the myriad failures you've had at network marketing or multi level marketing over the years at every family gathering or church social?
Steps to keep your friends from turning into your enemies.
1. Call your friends and family and let them know of your new venture.
2. Assure them that you don't want them to buy anything or listen to your sales pitch.
3. Ask them for if they know of anyone who'd be interested in what you are doing.
4. If they say no, thank them for their time and leave them alone!
5. If they say yes, ask them to contact that person to gain permission for you to call them. Respect their friends too. If someone is genuinely interested, they will contact you.
6. Remember, success is the best recruiter in the business. If you are successful, your friends and family will come to YOU.
So, use your warm market as a beginning step but don't antagonize or alienate them. They can be your best source of quality leads. That is, if they don't avoid your phone calls!
Discover the difference between recruiting and sponsoring. Visit Visit www.dayjobdoa.com [http://www.dayjobdoa.com] for details.
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