Free Stock Analysis Tools
Google Finance stock analysis tools allows traders to view historical data of any public company listed on a stock market - including Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). They system provides historical data from today, back to day 1 when the company was first listed. The dynamic share price graph allows users to zoom-in on a particular day, week or a month. And that's not it. Following the share price graph with the mouse pointer lets users to analyse the stock even more - it displays the share price and volume of shares sold and bought at any particular point of time. The share price graph has anchors which link to the company's stock market announcements. The graph displays exactly when the market announcement was made and shows how the market reacted to it. Clicking on that anchor opens the actual text of the announcement.
How To Use It
1. Search for Google Finance
2. If you're in Australia, don't be alarmed by the US company sample data. To view ASX listed companies, just prefix the company code with an "ASX".
3. So, to view Woolworth (WOW) share price, enter: ASX:WOW and hit "Get Quotes"
4. That's it! Enjoy. Play with the graph (there is a slider at the bottom right corner. Drag it to select a period to zoom in).
Online Share Trading
If you are new to stock market, there are many companies that offer online share trading facilities. In Australia it is worth checking ComSec and eTrade. Both allow users to join online and start trading as soon as the sign up data verified by mail. ComSec, for example, includes two bank accounts - one for share trading and another for cash management purposes, with a high interest rate. The company also provides a free charge card to have immediate access to funds. The company provides market research facilities online, including market watch, historical graphs and access to companies' stock market announcements.
Share trading can be done online via secure website, over the phone or using a specially created iPhone application that offers full functionality of online trading, anywhere you have access to mobile internet network.
For beginners, share trading can be an overwhelming experience, but the right tools make the journey so much easier and so much more enjoyable.