Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Train a Pointer Puppy

    • 1). Review and understand general information on training techniques so that you can adapt them for your Pointer (see Resources below).

    • 2). Understand what makes a Pointer a Pointer. Bred for generations to be independent thinkers, most of the hunting group of dogs seem untrainable to novice owners, but your Pointer puppy is actually tuned in and listening--he is just making up his own rules as he goes along.

    • 3). Let your Pointer believe she is making the rules. Your pointer has been bred to think for herself in the field and really does not like being told what to do. Don't let yourself get hung up on the fact that obedience is all about making her obey you---go with the flow. Understand that you are never going to get through her hard head by forcing her to submit to demands.

    • 4). Make it fun for your Pointer to do what you want him to do and he will gladly believe it is his idea to do it. Don't laugh too hard when the basic command "stand" is met with a three-legged position. This is the hardest command to train a Pointer for if you are working to attain show level obedience training. Getting the point out of the Pointer takes a lot of persistence. Each time that front leg comes up to point gently, put your hand on your dog's withers (shoulders) and apply a firm but easy rocking pressure to put him just a little off balance so he has to put his foot down.

    • 5). Keep your energetic Pointer puppy content with "sit" and "down" commands by starting with very short periods of time you require her to stay there and following both with lots of activity.

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