Totally really but its s similar concepts andterms your frequency your composition -ism throughout the day on exceed my carbohydrates and fats low basicallyused to be. on protein morning if you will that affectme harming you like an apple with some some some pretty whatever anddrysdale just you know I like to eat smaller meals morefrequently just feels better me and and then basically what I'm doingis I'm saving all save mmm pretty much like thepercent of my carbohydrates and I love my fats I'm allowed to haveevery day for this dinner so I'm gonna on it cometo dinner knowing that like alright on the getsome sort of proteins sign on the go get it I am 22 state orsomething cool zone have on myself approaching I need stay and then a minute have you know 150 year.
whatever grams of carbs in Lake 60 gramsof fat one meal and and just enjoy it so that that's all C's why do that whenI'm 10 cutting spaces are you nervous because a for know my numbers look better but that can be useful from for me it'sbecause you you get you have some movie winners maintaining on so yeah that's a I guess like 40 on on cut we doing from here on just staying Blackline Elite the summer you know for pictures being as it's fun so that let's move on to the next thing hierwhich is a question that somebody asked answers in person said some great shapemost their vast the perfect way for high give up on I can see me relative I evenwas national class distance.
runner at 6-foot-4 japan's at midsections hard asa rock only a four pack showing bottom too badso lost somewhere or although my palms very own nouns so so on and so okay so how do you get agreat six pack um now I'm assuming she saying Parsonswho form a body found here like my action index up measures do I itdoesn't matter how the night get I will not have more than like you cansee for have super visibly then there's likewhat's coming up here so it's like cummick 5-pack thing and where there's nothing I can doabout that understand how to trade perhaps there's no way to like makingsymmetrical macomb look perfect I'm so for talksabout body fat here on and by the way you'll know like whenyou have abstains like your meeting now you useif you don't have full six pack when you are you know get