Ok you've found your passion and you know your own talents.
You have decided to set up your own home based business but you know that there is still a lot of ground work.
In fact the secret to any successful enterprise is to religiously and scrupulously do your research and homework.
Homework - yes, that's the ticket! Research endlessly.
The more you do the more you will succeed.
For example the main piece of advice for any writer and most especially ghostwriter is to do your research! It can never be over emphasized! For a successful home enterprise you need * A product or service that will be in demand.
* To research your probable market.
* Explore and research your likely competition.
* Find ways to make your product or service stand out from that of competitors.
* Decide on how much advertising you need initially * Assess how much you can invest in your product and its marketing * Write (or get someone to do it for you) some excellent sales copy for your product * If your product is to come from an established business, research the company's integrity and background.
Also find out their preferred strategies - are they over aggressive or gentler methods of selling? * Then take it slowly.
Start small and you won't regret it.
That way you can count your losses if you fail and pick yourself up easily, learning very valuable lessons from your experience.
* Remember out of failure comes success * Remember too that out of success comes more success! Perhaps the most caution needs to be exercised if you are selling products from an established company.
You will need to assess the company and the people who work for them.
Are they passionate about their product or just concerned with profits? They should be able to give you lots of needed support and advice and at least convey some enthusiasm!You do have to be 100% sure that the business is not a scam.
You also need to be able to keep in touch with your uplines and business contacts easily and be able to call on their strengths.
If this doesn't happen then you are on your own and you might as well just market your own product! Whether you are part of a bigger company or indeed have your very own product or services it is absolutely certain that you will need to have a system in place for your home based business to succeed and to make a residual income.
So what is this system you ask.
Well you need to have something in place to allow the business to work smoothly.
If you are working with perhaps downlines or contractors depending on the type of business you have, it needs to be easy and straightforward for them to be plugged in to your setup.
If not the new people will leave you and go elsewhere.
It is like a machine that needs to work smoothly andthe cogs need to be kept oiled! How then do you oil the cogs? The answer to my mind is communication and collaboration together with trust and cooperation! All lovely words I hear you say! But too many! OK if one word describes what needs to be in place consistently let it be communication.
That will do! Last but not least you do need to be paid! If you are working for a large company again, do your homework.
How will they reward you for your efforts? You do need to establish exactly what percentage of the profits is yours.
Be sure that you are going to be rewarded accordingly for all your hard work.
Take into account also the amount of money you are laying out for sales materials and products as usually you have to pay for these out of your own pocket.
After a while you will know if success is likely in your endeavour - and if it is not then get out and do something else! If on the other hand you are not working for a company but rather on your own or perhaps with a partner the situation is very different.
Always keep ahead of the competition and strive continually to upgrade and perfect your product or service.
If you are delivering a service based on the level of your particular skill consider taking a further course or training.
Perhaps this will lead to certification or recertification which is all to the good and will improve your standing and reputation.
Never be afraid to invest in new skills as these are in themselves a form of empowerment.
Keep learning your trade or profession and seek out new opportunities - a wonderful way to network too! Then you in turn will be able to share your new skills and knowledge and improve your business too!
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