You are the sole person responsible for your own happiness and it is for you to find happiness in your relationship. Relationships often fail when one of the parties is unhappy and blames their partner for their unhappiness. You are the sole person in charge of managing your life. In your relationship you must learn to give as well as take and settle for the good and the bad.
Here are some eleven suggestions on how to keep a healthy relationship :
1 Make agreements which respect the differences between your partner and yourself and which you both understand. Between the two of you there will not always be agreement and you are going to have to come up with compromise solutions and keep to these. You build respect when you keep to agreements and this in turn engenders trust and a sense of security in your relationship.
2 Talk to each other to find the common ground and then compromise. A difference of opinion does not mean that one of you is right and the other is wrong.
3 You always have something you can learn from your partner and your relationship will flourish when each of you contributes to it in equal quantities.
4 You should always be truthful if you want your love to be true Telling mistruths in the belief you are protecting your partner is sure to catch up with you in the end and cause mistrust. Don't forget that relationships only work where trust is prevalent.
5 Develop the ability to forgive each other and then forget. Put the past behind you and look after the present and the future. Search out a mutual agreement when solving a problem and the both agree to make it work. When you were learning you didn't find solutions and your relationship suffered as a result. Non solutions are a thing of the past and were bad and are not to be repeated. Now you have learnt to compromise and make your joint decision work, and the future for both of you looks even better!
6 Regularly review what you are expecting from the relationship. Define your expectations with precision and realism. .
7 Be responsible in how you treat the relationship, accepting responsibility for your actions and responding to the real problems in hand. When you make a mistake, say you are sorry and move on.
8 Show respect for and appreciation of your partner when discussing matters where you each see thing differently, and expect the same things in return from your partner...
9 Admit your errors, excuse yourself when you are wrong and expect your partner to do likewise. Take the time to explain yourselves after a misunderstanding and so improve the way you communicate between each other and thus help strengthen your relationship.
10 Work on spending valuable time together and learn to appreciate each other's company more and more.
11 Laugh and laugh again and enjoy yourselves! People will want to be around you and join in your happiness.
Finally, I suggest you read a book entitled "The Magic of Making Up" written by T 'Dub' Jackson, He has a lifetime of experience helping people, all over the world, sort out their relationship problems, and his book will likely help you to understand your own.
Joe Bisley
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