This is a natural feeling considering that most patients and families out of desperation, are searching for approaches which will improve their quality of life.
In this article, we review some of the common benefits and risks associated with taking herbal supplements when combined with cancer treatment.
What is an herbal supplement? Herbal supplements are products made from plants for use in the treatment and management of certain diseases and medical conditions.
Many prescription and over-the-counter medications are also made from the same plant derivatives.
These products contain only purified ingredients and are regulated by the FDA.
Herbal supplements may be available in several forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule or liquid, and may be delivered in various ways, including:
- Swallowing as pills
- Brewing as tea
- Applying to the skin as gels
- Adding to bath water
However, several sources have recognized the use of herbal supplements in treating the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
According to Cancer Supportive Care, some of these benefits have included:
- Diarrhea: blackberry, raspberry tea, fanugreek seeds, peppermint tea
- Nausea or Vomiting: Ginger tea, cookies, cinnamon
- Insomnia: Valerian, Kava
- Depression: St.
John's Wort - Urinary obstruction or enlarged prostate: Saw Palmetto
They believe that these treatments offer them a psychological sense of comfort, because they are natural products and may provide them with revitalizing energy to battle cancer.
Herbal pharmacies refer to this revitalizing energy as "Wei qi".
What Key Issues Do I Need To Understand Before Considering Herbal Supplements? Though herbal supplements do have several appealing benefits, there are also dangerous risks associated with these treatments.
Barrier Cassileth, Chief of Integrative Medicine Service at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center warns, "A common, false belief is that 'if it's natural, it must be safe'.
But herbs and other dietary supplements are biologically active compounds, and they frequently have negative interactions with prescription pharmaceuticals.
" Reduced Efficacy of Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy Many supplements possess pharmacokinetic interactions with chemotherapy drugs.
For example, St.
John's Wort, used to treat depression, has shown to significantly decrease the effectiveness of Camptosar.
Other herbs such as Coumadin (Warfarin) have shown to compromise medicines that affect blood clotting.
According to the Diet Channel, the following herbal supplements are not recommended for people receiving chemotherapy or oral drug treatment due to their ability to modify the liver's metabolism of drugs:
- Garlic
- Ginkgo
- Ginseng
- Goldenseal
- Milk Thistle
- St.
John's Wort - Turmeric
All of these supplements can increase a patient's sensitivity to light.
Unanticipated Side Effects Additionally, some herbal supplements have shown to reduce the liver's metabolism activity, and as a result, the body fails to break down chemotherapy drugs adequately and the drug remains in the body.
This harmful consequence can lead to severe side effects due to drug overdose.
Despite the cautionary warnings from leading sources, herbal medicines remain an area of special interest which requires further investigation.
The bioactive nature of these supplements along with the pharmacokinetic interactions with traditional chemotherapy treatments have piqued the interest of researchers in trying to identify new ways to improve the therapeutic index and effect of traditional treatments.
Please caution other patients to carefully consult their current oncologist when deciding to add herbal supplements to their current treatment.