There is a Power Elite who are in the final stage of bringing about a Global fascist government they call The New World Order. They run the central banks, major corporations, and funding organizations like the Carnegie Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation. Their operations are planned and carried out by the CIA upon the orders of the secret government; these decisions are made by a Mafia-like Board of Directors known as the Trilateral Commission, a group of wealthy industrialists and Wall Street bankers. Oil barons and political dynasty families like the Bushes and Clintons are found among the members of the New World Order's political wing, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which is a group whose purpose is to obliterate national boundaries to create a one-world ruling elite. In other words, CFR activities are completely treasonous to the U.S. Constitution, yet for decades almost all presidential candidates have been CFR members. Their goal is to put an end to the United States of America and to make the country a part of their global government scheme. They are modern Nazis who have evolved like a virus and who have refined the arts of subversion and treason right in front of the noses of the American public.
The boss of bosses, the chairman of the board over the past several decades has been David Rockefeller, who has long been working on the problem of overpopulation. To get control of this matter, the World Health Organization goes into third world countries and uses techniques such as inoculating the population. Their health, my health, and your health are the last thing they care about. In fact, their long-term intention is to reduce the world's population drastically without destroying all the resources. The Swine Flu has been studied by scientists who concur that the virus is the product of some gene-splicing of 2 human influenza strains and one strain common to pigs.
In the 1920s American medicine was monopolized by the John D. Rockefeller family, who also controlled Standard Oil. They, along with I.G. Farben, Germany's leading industrial organization, held the monopoly on the world's chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The Rockefellers and I.G. Farben worked together before World War II and during World War II. Another profiteer at that time was Prescott Bush, the Wall Street banker and inside trader who did business with Nazi Germany even after it became illegal in 1942. He was also a U.S. Senator (to this day Americans haven't awakened to the fact that their politicians have enormous conflicts of interest whereby they can profit from the legislation they write) and he passed the torch to his son George H.W. Bush, who used his family fortune to further the fascist blueprint to consolidate power.
In 1976 George Bush Sr. was named Director of the CIA as reward for his treason against the U.S. during illegal operations, most notably his first kill, the very successful operation and coup d'etat in 1963 when he coordinated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. JFK was initially placed in power through an election rigged in his favor by his tycoon father Joseph Kennedy, and he was expected to toe the line and lead the nation according to instructions from the Wall Street cartel. Unfortunately, President Kennedy decided to become a man of the people; he was about to disband the CIA and withdraw advisors from South Vietnam. CIA operative George Bush senior was ordered to gather a team to carry out the assassination. One of the two snipers who actually did the shooting for Bush was E. Howard Hunt, who later made the news as one of the Watergate burglars. Lee Harvey Oswald had infiltrated the CIA to provide information for J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, enemies of the CIA by pretending to be a Communist double agent. His connection with the FBI was discovered and he was told to be in Dallas that day by his CIA handlers so they could set him up as the accused assassin. The propaganda machine went into full swing to capitalize on the nation's fear of a Communist plot by Russia to kill their leader. Oswald was then mopped up by the Mafia, who were represented by terminal cancer patient and mob club owner Jack Ruby. To this day, there are people who still believe the story that Oswald was able to shoot from above and behind JFK and miraculously hit him in the throat and forehead.
Profit in any business comes from a big markup. The possible leader in this field is religion, where no raw materials are needed - just advertising and some costumes and sets. The rest is gravy and the donations come in after a good preaching session. The next is drug-dealing, where there is a ready market due to boredom, depression, or fear. There is suspicion that heroin and cocaine are not just the inventory of foreign cartels; the political power of having crime rule the streets is perfect for those wishing to impose a police state in a land that boasts freedom but still haven't resolved the Civil War. Furthermore, the inflated gas gouging and mortgage crisis are steps in the plan to impoverish the middle class. The fight to survive will keep the population busy while the noose tightens. Young unemployed people will be easy recruits for the military, who need bodies for the endless wars of "freedom". Back home, fears of plague and terrorism are designed to get the citizens to give up their freedom for security. This used to be called "protection money" by the Mafia. "We'll protect you from people like us" is the sales pitch.
The Illuminati regard humanity as a race of "useless eaters" (that's the power elite jargon) and they have a plan for us: exploitation and elimination. US Government defense contractors like Litton Bionetics were responsible for the production of the AIDS virus, a man-made disease used for bio-warfare and "population control" - a polite term for genocide. The ruling elite have conspired throughout history to profit from war, disease, and other human miseries and thereby gain total power - and enough resources to control the world. The Nazis planned for it, they even had a term for it - "neue Ordnung," which means New Order, New World Order. This efficient-sounding New World Order is in fact the rise of the Fourth Reich.
After World War II, useful Nazis like Werner Von Braun were spirited out of Germany in Operation Paperclip and brought to the U.S. and became citizens instead of prisoners. Some were experts in biological warfare and neurological agents. Their work included manufacturing mutant flu viruses and that work continues expanding as explained by Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his book "Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare" where documentation proves that the Power Elite uses a continuing strategic propaganda ad campaign through mainstream media where they promote "public health" to promote slow death. Florida congressman Alan Grayson proclaimed that the Republican healthcare plan was "Don't get sick, and if you do get sick die quickly" he was interviewed by Bill Maher and Maher corrected him by saying the plan was to get people to die slowly. Lingering health problems bring much more money in than rapid death, and industries have to expand - including the health care and insurance industries. The deductibles alone could build a hospital behind every Starbucks on the continent.
When I grew up in the 1950s we lived in fear of atom bombs, polio, and TB. My parents had just been through military service in the war. My mother was based in England with the RCAF and my father was wounded in the invasion of Sicily. As I grew up, inoculations were frequent and routine; the biggest fear of the day was polio. The vaccine was a success to the relief of all. There was also a terrible fear of tuberculosis, so we were given BCG to avoid getting TB at school. There were flu shots every "flu season". Those fears were seen as justified but they have set a pattern of blind faith in taking preventative flu shots when we are told that it's good for us.
Fast forward to 1969 when I was in the Army and being transferred to a NATO base in what was then West Germany. The troops lined up and we were given an involuntary inoculation called T.A.B.T. which made everybody sick for two weeks. I never heard anything about it again, and we were never told what it was for or what was in it. There was no opting out; the shot was immediate and mandatory. It turns out that there was a morbidity report written in 1956 concerning this inoculation from several doctors from the Royal Air Force Schools of Recruitment and Training suggesting all sorts of infectious conditions resulting from the interference with the immune system, and they recommended discontinuing the vaccine cocktail that held ingredients like Salmonella typhi, Salm. paratyphi A and B, and tetanus toxoid. Thirteen years later this stuff ended up in my shoulder in case the Russians came to sneeze on me.
The American military has invested heavily in stealth technology for weapons. Inoculations have evolved and they are in effect stealth technology injected straight into the body to enable the medical industry (not to be confused with the medical profession) to hit their immediate profit targets by supplying nation-wide vaccines, and to secure follow-up profits treating the chronic conditions caused by the interference with the immune system.
With the lure of huge immediate profits and the future capability to manipulate human health, the accepted routine of the flu vaccine has itself evolved into an institutionalized money pipeline. This marketing plan is designed to create a need for long-term care for its victims. With cold-blooded calculation, the corporatists supply health insurance and medical services to profit from the suffering of the American people.
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 states that the Geneva Conventions are "not a source of judicially enforceable rights" and the Military can arrest and detain any alien, (whether individually or collectively) that have been determined by the President or the Secretary of Defense to be a lawful enemy combatant or to be deemed in collaboration with an enemy. The Act could be a legal basis for detaining anyone re-defined as an enemy of the government and stripped of their U.S. citizenship.
It would make sense that if someone is sick and takes medicine that makes him feel better, a healthy person shouldn't take it or else it will make him sick. I believe in the validity of Western medicine for the most part, probably because the doctors can repair almost any god-awful condition in which my body arrives. On the other side of the world however, the Chinese approach to medicine is holistic - the result of six centuries of keen observation. They understand that the body is a holistic system and illness is often an effort to rid the body of old and dying cells in order to produce new ones. Tampering with the immune system for every virus, especially after it has mutated is a waste of time and money except to the corporations that sell millions of doses to the governments in lush contracts so the state can brag that they have taken measures to contain a pandemic when in fact they are simply creating another national scare to move tons of worthless concoctions.
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