Apart from the option that some take of simply leaving the chip, especially if it is not a severe one, there are many options that a cosmetic dentist can use to rectify the problem.
Indeed, even if the chip is not severe, you should seriously consider having one of these done as once the enamel has broken the risk of infection increases.
The first thing to do of course is to arrange a consultation at your dentist.
It is probably advisable to use a cosmetic dentist as they will have a wider range of options available.
Usually, at this stage, an assessment will be made using x-rays as well as a visual check up.
This will ensure that if there is any damage to the root of the tooth, that this can be treated then rather than waiting for any pain to arise from hidden problems.
If the chip is very small and there is no underlying damage, your dentist may simply recommend the smoothing of the tooth to eradicate any rough surfaces which the tongue could catch on.
Another very simple solution is dental bonding, which uses a type of dental cement to fill the gap left by the chip.
This works best with minor ones however and may not be suitable if the problem is larger.
If the chip is more severe, one option that is very popular is the dental veneer.
These are very thin strips of tooth shaped porcelain which are added to the front of a tooth once a similar amount of natural tooth has been removed.
Whilst these are often used for cosmetic purposes, they are also excellent for repairing cracked and chipped teeth too.
In a worst case scenario, where there is significant underlying damage to the root or nerves of the tooth, it may be considered prudent to remove the damaged tooth altogether.
This does not have to be the end of the world though and there are now a number of excellent replacement tooth options that are available.
The best, although perhaps most expensive of these, is the dental implant.
This involved screwing a titanium screw into the jawbone which then assimilates itself with the jawbone and provides a strong base upon which to attach a crown.
This is an excellent substitute for a natural tooth and should be expected to last for a minimum of twenty years if taken care off correctly.
Naturally, it is hoped that you will never chip a tooth, but very few people get through life without it happening.
If it does though, there is no need to suffer from embarrassment or loss of self esteem when you smile.
Simply arrange to see your cosmetic dentist and discuss the best option for your own individual situation.
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