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7 Tips to Better Golf

You usually find that you pick up the game quicker and make greater strides forward with your golf game in the beginning.
This is why it is important to start correctly as any bad habits you may have were probably ingrained when taking up golf.
But the good news is you can change the faults through instruction and practice and learn the correct way of doing things.
Better golf is just around the corner as there is plenty of advice to be found online to get your golf questions answered.
There are 7 tips to better golf provided here.
It is imperative your alignment is correct.
Not being able to hit the ball to your target is going to be a big problem if you want to improve.
Aim the club-face to your target first and then align yourself keeping the knees, hips and shoulders all parallel to the target.
Try to imagine a railway line with your toes touching one side of the track and the ball to target line being on the other.
A sound strategy is to pick a target that keeps you away from trouble off the tee.
Use the teeing area to your advantage by teeing up the ball on the same side as the trouble and then you can aim away from it.
You will find yourself in less trouble avoiding any penalties and you will keep the ball in play more often, which in turn will help reduce your handicap.
Maintain a steady head position throughout the golf swing.
This will lead to more consistency producing better golf shots with a crisper strike.
Bear in mind i said keep your head still and not DOWN.
Keeping your head down has ruined many a good swing.
Lift up your chin and you will produce a better shoulder turn which will allow you to keep your head still.
Reading the green properly is a valuable asset to have.
Take time to improve your green reading skills as this will improve your putting no end.
As well as the natural contours of a golf green you will also find that a golf ball will generally roll away from a hill and towards a water source.
So keep this in mind and adjust as necessary.
Once you have decided on the amount of break do not second guess yourself over the ball.
Be confident and commit yourself to the line you have chosen.
The grain of the green another important aspect to consider too as it will effect the roll of the ball.
Shiny grass tells you that the grain is running away from you, and dull grass highlights the grain running towards you.
Putts with the grain will go quicker and travel further.
Those against the grain go slower and therefore less far.
A lot of the new soft-spikes fitted in golf shoes get clogged up quickly with grass, so make sure you scrape this away.
A good footing is very important to have in golf and this is one small tip that will help to improve that.
Check your golf club grips as they can become worn and dirty through use.
Make sure to wash them in warm soapy water with a scrubbing brush then towel dry.
Do this once a week and you will be amazed how the grips feel and how much easier it will be to control the golf club as slippy, worn grips are a nightmare.
Your only connection to the golf club is through your hands so it is vital your golf grips are in good condition.
If they are not then get them replaced as soon as you can.
These are just a few tips that will help any standard of golfer improve his game.
Until next time, enjoy this great game of golf.

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