A recent development among women in North America who are undergoing menopause is to take natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
Bioidentical hormones have been widely used in Europe to treat menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and dryness.
Today, this therapy is also available in North America.
Bio-identical hormones are naturally occurring hormones found in certain plants like yams.
These yams are common in the West Indies and certain parts of South East Asia.
The hormones are extracted from the plants and synthesized in a lab into creams, gels or suppositories.
Bioidentical hormonal replacement therapy is not for women.
who have an unknown cause of vaginal bleeding, breast cancer or are not able to be followed up with a health care professional.
They should refrain from taking these hormones.
Most women can safely take bioidentical hormones as long as they are in the care of a knowledgeable physician with experience in bioidentical hormones.
The chief concern about bioidentical estrogen is that it must be taken with progesterone cream in a cyclical fashion.
Taking bioidentical hormones has a number of advantages.
It is known that the hormones can strengthen bone, making it stronger and reducing the chances of fracture and osteoporosis.
Also known is that bioidentical hormones can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Other anti-aging advantages have been noted, such a elimination of hot flashes, increasing libido and keeping your skin from drying out.
Bioidentical hormones can be individualized by a pharmacy to match your need.
This technique of compounding is widely practiced by many compounding pharmacists.
All women should understand that menopause is a transient physiological phase in one's life.
It is not the end of life nor is it life threatening.
For the lucky few, this time period may last a few years and may go unnoticed.
For others it may last long and create a number of physical and emotional changes.
If this occurs, there are ample remedies to reduce the symptoms.
The first thing to do is to go and see a health care professional.
Health supplements may help.
Dietary changes, adding exercise to your life, reducing alcoholic consumption and reducing stress will help ease symptoms of menopause.
But you may still find that bioidentical hormones are necessary to reduce your menopausal symptoms and increase your sense of wellbeing.
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