Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

Singapore Financial Advice - Finding A Financial Advisor In Singapore - 3 Common Concerns

Believe it or not but when Expatriates and Singaporeans consider hiring a financial advisor in Singapore they often become overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty. Singapore financial advice is fraught with so many horror stories that it's hardly surprising we get scared. However, although there are lots of so called financial advisors doing business in a financial hub like Singapore, there are actually a handful of legitimate advisors who could have a dramatic effect on your future investments.It would seem that there are 3 main areas that concern expatriates and Singaporeans when they consider hiring a financial advisor in Singapore. So let's review these areas of concern and show how you can avoid coming financially unstuck with a rogue advisor.A key concern when hiring a financial advisor in Singapore is whether you can actually trust putting your finances and future investments in the hands of someone you hardly know. Will they put your long-term financial interests first? Will they act professionaly at all times and possess high levels integrity?Well, as an expat in Singapore there are a couple things you can do to be sure you are making a wise choice.Let's take a look...Concern #1: Analysing their Integrity1. Recommendations from others is great for your piece of mind. You can even ask your possible financial advisor in Singapore to provide you with testimonials from other happy clients. If they can proudly offer these for your perusal then you can rest assured that you will probably be as equally happy as these clients from his portfolio and who knows, you maybe the next client of theirs to write them a testimonial.2. When your potential advisor in Singapore offers you advice and recommendations, question him/her on this information to make sure it is not just "pie in the sky." Also establish how the financial advisor is rewarded for recommending these services to you. Assess his or her honesty and see how they react to this line of questioning. If they seem uncomfortable at any time then get out of there. Chances are they are spinning you a yarn to make money for themselves.Concern #2: Fear of ChangeNobody likes change at the best of times especially when it comes to Singapore financial advice and selecting an advisor. That being said, whilst many of us are content with maintaining the status quo we should keep an open mind when it comes to financial planning and selecting a a financial advisor in Singapore.Even if you currently hire the services of a financial advisor in Singapore, you must understand and realise that all financial advisors have a shelf life. It is a wildy competitive market and so look for someone who can not only provide Singapore financial advice but can consistently add value to your investment portfolio.Concern #3: Handing over the Financial ReignsOften we get scared of losing control of our financial investments. The thought of someone else manging our money fills us with dread but Singapore financial advice for expatriates is growing in popularity everyday as we become busier and busier. There simply isn't the time to manage everything on our own. Not to mention that these guys do this for a living. It's their bread and butter!Also you have 2 options when you have chosen a financial advisor in Singapore. You can work with them on a discretionary or non-discretionary basis.If you opt for the discretionary option, your financial advisor in Singapore will make all decisions on your investments without your consent. If you opt for the non-discretionary option then they will have to seek your approval before they make and decisions relating to your investments. So although you hand over the reigns, you can still retain control of your moneySingapore Financial Advice doesn't have to be a minefield and finding a reputable financial advisor in Singapore just requires an element of common sense. Follow this guide and you won't go far wrong in securing a strong and mutually beneficial financial relationship.

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