I have heard so many horror stories from men who have got in touch with me after enduring a penis enlargement nightmare that I thought it was high time that I wrote a bit about the facts of male enhancement.
The information is already out there but with so much conflicting advice plastered all over the internet, it's easy for the truth to get buried.
So it's no wonder that so many men seem to go round in circles trying product after gimmicky product and never getting any bigger despite the fact that they are just following the advice that they have found.
That's why I want to tell you that the only advice you should listen to is any which says: "if you want to get bigger then you have to use the natural method".
Any thing else is probably just produced by the marketing department behind some dodgy product or another.
What is the natural method? In fact calling most methods an approach of "penis enlargement" or "enhancement" is wrong because they neither enlarge or enhance anything! They only size change they achieve is shrinking your wallet.
This is because they all lack the one CRUCIAL thing that you actually need to increase your penis size - growth-causing biochemicals.
If you don't supply your penis with these then it simply will not grow.
Virtually all the methods available do absolutely nothing towards supplying you with these essential biochemicals so, of course, they cause no penis expansion whatsoever.
That's what make the natural approach so special - it works with your body to boost up your biochemical levels and then ensure that the biochemicals are working their way to your manhood.
And so plenty of natural growth follows.
It's really that simple.
How much growth? There is no specific amount of increase caused by the approach - you are in control so you can grow as much or as little as you like.
As a guideline most men who use the natural approach see over 3 inches of new growth.
I myself added 4 inches and there is no reason why you can't do the same, or even better, if you follow a natural enlargement blueprint.
Stop the enhancement nightmares and get big the natural way - that's the only advice that you'll ever need.