- Weight training will build muscle and burn fat.Weight Lifter 2 image by Infs from Fotolia.com
Weight-training exercises are an important part of complete workout. There's one important question you have to ask yourself before you start lifting: What type of program is best for me? The easiest way to pick your program is to first determine what results you want. If you want to bulk up, choose a muscle-building program. If you want to lose weight, a weight-loss program is perfect for you. - When you think of lifting weights, images of huge biceps probably cross your mind. Large muscles, contrary to what many think, are not a natural byproduct of lifting weights. Building large muscles is a result of a specifically designed weightlifting exercise routine that is made for the purpose of building muscle and strength. The best way to describe a muscle-building program is "lift heavy and lift often." First, separate your weightlifting exercises into muscle groups or body parts. Next, find a weight for each exercise that is light enough to where you can complete 10-12 repetitions and repeat this three times for each muscle. Your workout program should consist of three to four days a week. You'll need those days off in between, since heavy lifting will require plenty of rest for your muscles to recuperate and grow.
- A weightlifting program designed to burn fat and lose weight is will mean lifting lighter weights and adding cardiovascular exercise into the mix. First, choose an cardiovascular exercise that you enjoy doing, such as running or biking. Cardiovascular exercises should be 20 to 30 minutes in duration. Next, decide how you want to divide your weightlifting. Again, this is usually done by muscle group or body part (i.e., arms on Monday and legs on Wednesday). You should be lifting at a weight where three sets of 12-14 repetitions are possible for each exercise. This will burn calories and build lean muscle mass. Your program should consist of three to four days at the gym.
- The beginners program is excellent for gym newbies or people who don't know exactly what they want to achieve with their weightlifting program. Every trip to the gym will consist of a full-body workout that involves low sets and high repetitions. Said another way, all weightlifting exercises will consist of light weights so you perform as many as 15 repetitions in one set. When one set has been completed, you'll move on to the next exercise. The purpose of this program is to build endurance and some strength to prepare you for a program with targeted results. A beginners program can last up to 12 weeks.
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