Having a fear of the dentist and canceling appointments can now be a thing of the past.
The latest technology in dentistry makes appointments less painful and faster.
Laser dentistry is more precise which allows for quicker recovery times and less onset pain from a procedure.
Unfortunately, not all procedures will leave you pain free after an appointment at your dentist's office.
Here are some things you can do after your appointment that can ease any pain you might have.
Dental laser aftercare will have you feeling better and will ensure proper health of your teeth and mouth.
If you happen to be feeling pain from a simple procedure as your biannual teeth cleaning, there are some aftercare tips for all year round to make your next appointment less painful.
A lot of people are guilty of only flossing twice a year when they have their cleaning done.
However, you should floss every day, or once a week at a minimum, to improve and maintain your oral health.
A lot of plaque and gingivitis that can be painful to remove can be prevented with flossing.
Also, brush your teeth two or three times a day or after every meal.
A lot of times, your teeth can become very sensitive after a procedure.
If they are sensitive, you can take a pain reliever and use a very soft toothbrush when you brush.
A soft toothbrush should be used and provided by your dentist after any procedure that is used with a laser.
Your mouth can get sore after some procedures too, and you should not be afraid to take it easy for the rest of the day.
You should not feel guilty for taking the afternoon off of work or school if you are in a lot pain.
After a major procedure, your mouth and gums can be prone to swelling.
If there is swelling, or if you are in a lot of pain, you can use an ice pack around your mouth where the swelling or pain is occurring.
Swelling is very common with a tooth extraction.
You should not leave the ice on your face for too long, but ice down the swelling in cycles.
You can leave the ice pack on for ten minutes and leave it off for twenty minutes, then repeat.
Most dental laser procedures will have little to no blood and do not require the use of stitches.
The laser is so powerful that while it is cutting the gums, it is also sealing them up.
If you do notice some bleeding after your procedure, you can stop the bleeding by clotting the area.
You can use clean gauze to stop the bleeding and apply a little pressure.
If you do not have gauze, your dentist can provide you with some.
Some procedures will also require a follow up appointment with your dentist or orthodontist.
If you need to schedule a follow up, do not cancel this appointment.
It is important for your dentist to make sure that all the aftercare is working as it should, and he may need to check for complications.
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