When the internet was started as a prototype project, it was meant to be a platform for text based messaging and sharing information that was encrypted. And today, the internet has more amounts of video and voice content that all the text combined! It might be the fact that every website has text as opposed to only some having text but the fact that an average 5 minute video uses greater data than a full page of text is more than sufficient information that videos are the most in-thing on the internet now.
However, not all videos are liked by people and the best videos are made or created! Amateur videos that cover insane topics are a hit and well-edited and made videos are even a bigger hit on the internet. Heres how to make professional quality videos and more:
Moving Pictures does not equal a Good Video!
Let us accept this fact not all moving images make a good video! Random shot videos if posted on the internet will not show any response at all; especially if youre looking forward to making money over the internet using your videos. Unless your videos are most commented upon and make for news items, you cannot make a living out of uploading random videos. Also, refrain from making amateurish videos as that means no professionalism when youre using the video as a marketing tool!
Learn to differentiate between a Video and a Presentation
Popular video sharing sites are simply full of videos that are actually presentations whose playing format has been changed. Let this be made clear here, now and forever that people do not like to see presentations with songs that are called videos. Think from your perspective if you stumbled across an interesting named video and on clicking on it found that it was more of a presentation, would you not want to blacklist the up loader?
Video Embedding in your blog
Marketing with blogs is one of the best money making ideas on the internet today. Because of the fact that people associate quality writing with quality website, they will undoubtedly click on the video link/embedded video that you put on your blog. Again, amateurish videos are something to refrain from. Just because you want to make money using your videos, making such amateurish stuff makes no sense at all. Instead, it might have a negative impact on your good website that people will not be interested in reading through your article if they come across a poorly made and edited video!
Article and Affiliate Marketing with Videos
Now that you have concentrated on a niche, youve arranged for the articles required on that topic. Having done all of that, you would want to design comprehensive article marketing and affiliate marketing strategy using videos. A recent study shows that those websites who has vested interests in internet marketing and those which had good videos for the same reason fared better in terms of drawing in website traffic than the ones which did not have a good video reason!
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