Insurance Health Insurance

How Speech Therapy Is Covered by Health Insurance

Communication disorders are medical conditions that are covered by many major medical insurance providers.
However, there are some medical insurance providers that do not cover communication disorders.
The first step is to determine if your insurance provider covers speech-language pathology services.
Call your insurance provider and ask them to send you in writing a list of conditions and ailments that are covered.
If your insurance provider does not cover communication disorders, find as many written materials on your communication disorder(s) condition but make sure the written materials deem your condition medically necessary.
Write a letter justifying reasons why they should provide coverage for your specific communication disorder(s).
Moreover, attached a written letter from your doctor justifying why your communication disorder condition is deemed medically necessary.
Find as many articles as possible that explain and tell how your communication disorder(s) is a medical condition.
Locate other insurance companies that provide coverage for your specific communication disorder condition and ask them to send you data on prognosis and recovery time.
Visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website to locate information on your condition.
All of this will build a case to support why your insurance provider should provide coverage for your communication disorder condition.
If all else fails, contact a medical lawyer or mediator to have them write a letter on your behalf justifying reasons for coverage for speech-language pathology therapy.
This process may take weeks or months to come to a decision.
In the meantime, if at all possible, pay out of pocket for therapy and keep all receipts.
Keep a chronological journal with receipts and progress reports written and attached to the journal.
You may be able to obtain reimbursement for payment if a decision is ruled in your favor.
You may also want to locate an advocate familiar with your medically necessary condition.
Advocates are expertise in certain areas, find one who is knowledgeable about your specific communication disorder condition and consult with him/her the steps you should take.
There is a wealth of information on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA) website that may justify your condition as being medically necessary.
You may want to contact someone at ASHA, who can direct you to all the contact people you may need to speak with to build a solid case for you to present to your insurance provider, so that they rule in your favor and cover your specific speech-language therapy.
You may also find on ASHA's website a definition of "medically necessary" as it relates to speech-language pathology and it's disorders.
This may help you understand what it is you should look for when choosing articles, advocates, lawyers, and mediators to justify your case for medical coverage through your medical insurance provider for speech-language pathology services.

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