The current economy reflects the greatest depression known to modern civilization.
This economic melt down of the twenty first century looks more and more like The Great Depression.
Companies are going out of business and entire industries are collapsing as people close their wallets, save their homes, and struggle to put food on the table.
Companies that once reported large quarterly growth are closing their doors for business and adding people to the unemployment rate.
There is no one solution to this growing problem but the companies who are staying in business are outsourcing to cut costs.
Outsourcing has become a cost effective way to keep companies in business.
Instead of firing an entire work force companies can outsource a portion of their company and keep the rest of their company in business.
Outsourcing customer service departments has become one of the most popular ways to cut costs.
Call centers require paying high rent, salaries, and health benefits.
Outsourcing customer service means a company pays very little rent, no benefits, and low salaries.
The customer experience is virtually the same.
Most customer service inquiries are similar and rarely unique.
This means that a simple script can be used to answer most customer questions.
This makes outsourcing customer service an easy decision.
For customer service inquires that are more complex 10% of customer support can be maintained.
When an outsourced customer service representative can't answer the question the call is simply transferred to someone who can.
This makes the customer service experience virtually the same but less expensive.
One of the most common outsourced departments is data entry.
People who don't speak English can often do data entry.
Symbols and numbers are often universal concepts and easier to learn than languages.
This makes data entry very cost effective for outsourcing.
The unemployment rate in foreign countries is extremely high.
This allows workers to get jobs done quickly.
This makes company jobs cheaper and they are accomplished faster.
When manufacturing moved overseas it was met with skepticism, now it is standard practice.
Companies will be using internet outsourcing much like they order something online to shop.
If your company needs 8,000 units of data entry the order can be placed online and delivered.
The quality and turnaround time will be determined by the price and when the ordered is placed.
Companies are beginning to understand the importance of outsourcing and incorporating it into daily business practices.
Outsourcing companies that act as a middle man are become more common in standard business practice.
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