Business & Finance Corporations

Work-At-Home - Jobs Between Thoughts and Reality

This article will be discussing those common thoughts or beliefs people normally associate with Work-At-Home jobs and analyzing the facts about those beliefs.
"You must have experience in sales in order to build a successful internet business".
The fact of the matter is that work at home concept brings in different opportunities of all types which the majority of require selling.
Although having previous sales experience and being able to use the different selling techniques would greatly help you to build up your online business, it is not really a criteria to guarantee future online business success.
Provided, there are a lot of online jobs that could be operated & managed from home without involving the selling aspect such as: website development, consultation, data entry & Freelance writing.
"You can not work at home if you are surrounded by children".
There is no doubt that working in an area surrounded by children will be distracting anyway, especially that children are always in continues move and could create a lot of noise and be demanding.
But making yourself believe that you will not be able to work in their presence is not acceptable.
There are some tips though that will help you to deal with this problem: A.
Try to set your office in a quite area to avoid noise and distraction.
At the same time make sure that you are able to monitor children's activities.
Put a schedule to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
This way, you will be able to tune to your family needs as well as attend to your customers' requirements.
Ask for help from your spouse/neighbors if needed.
"People who work from home become millionaires overnight".
Working at home is similar to any other business; as it would also require dedicating a good amount of time as well as a lot of efforts to bring in sufficient income.
Therefore, it'd be wise to ignore all the statements that promise you of getting rich quickly because in reality they are not other than fault claims.
"Work At Home jobs are scams & no money can be earned from the internet".
A recent study has shown that the average income that someone generates by working at home could reach $63000 per year which really means that the money is there and all you have to do is to seek the good opportunity and find out what would attract other people to your business so that you can start making money.
Always remember that the most important thing while deciding on a home business is to choose something that you would enjoy doing to be successful at it in the future.
"Work At Home opportunities are not real".
First of all, we need to define the meaning of "Work"...
Work is any kind of commercial or industrial activity regardless it is a shop or factory or even home business etc...
in other words, the term "Work" can not be defined based on the amount of money that business people make or the place where the business itself is being operated.
"Work At Home schemes don't require any sort of investment".
This is partially true as there are some work at home jobs that could be started without investing money like using your computer or phone initially while getting started, however, this will ultimately require big money and time investment as well.
paying off bills, upgrading your system to newer version etc...
"If you are at home then you simply do not work".
I can assure that those who manage their business from home would feel the impact of this statement in a way or another.
Anyone who works at home can tell you that this is not true.
At the same time, that does not mean that these people have control over unexpected situations.
In other words, sudden visits or phone calls of family members and friends for instance.
If you feel that such things disturb your work, you should reorganize everything and decide on your daily working hours then firmly inform everybody about the same.
Also try to use a different phone number for your business calls and ensure that you only use it for your business contacts.
In case you receive a personal call during your business hours; apologize and tell them that you will call later.
To conclude, you need to understand that time worth money and act accordingly.
Once you start thinking and acting that way regarding your home business, the rest will follow suit.

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