Health & Medical Body building

The 3 Steps to a Proper Diet for Six Pack Abs

You might not realize it, but there are key factors that go into your diet to ensure you get or stay lean.
In order to show off a set of abdominals you must be lean, otherwise even a thin layer of fat can hide the effects of all the hard work you've put in.
In this article we're going to cover three parts to a proper diet for six pack abs.
More specifically we'll discuss how important water is, why planning makes such a difference, and how tracking can save you from splurging.
By the end of this article you should be armed with the information to make the changes to your diet to shed that tummy fat and show off your six pack abs.
Water is a must for any effective fat loss Water is a funny part of our diet it doesn't directly cause us to lose or gain weight, although some people can have water retention which would appear as though they were gaining weight.
How ever water cleanses our systems, acts as an appetite represent, and improves our energy level, brain efficiency, and skin.
You're supposed to be drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day, are you? Probably not it takes a conscious effort to drink that much water.
So I challenge you to start today and drink at least eight 8 oz.
glasses of water today.
Do this for an entire week and you'll feel your energy level boost.
You planned your workouts why not your diet The second component to the proper diet for six pack abs is planning.
You may have realized that I can't tell you eat this on Monday, then eat this on Tuesday.
Eating healthy, and being fit has a lot to do with understanding the basics.
I have to assume that you understand not to stop at fast food joints every night on the way home from work, and you should be eating high fiber and protein foods.
So, onto the planning.
If you don't know what you're going to eat tomorrow for dinner, or all week for dinner for that fact you cause two problems.
) Your grocery shopping isn't structured 2.
) You open yourself up to fast food or a highly processed meal that's fast but unhealthy A better alternative is to sit down once a week, and plan out what you're going to eat for the next 7 days.
Put it on your fridge, and build your grocery list from this plan.
This way making meals is easy, just refer to the list, and your grocery shopping will be a breeze.
You won't be reaching for unnecessary items at the grocery store, and you'll be able to maintain a low fat, high fiber and protein diet plan.
Track for success This last part goes almost hand in hand with planning.
Until you get a handle on what and how much you're eating, even if it's good stuff, you need to track it.
You grab a snack from the vending machine at work, jot it down.
You have a scone with your coffee at work in the afternoon, jot it down.
Keep a journal for anywhere from 2 weeks to a month of what you're eating each and every day.
This might seem like overkill but trust me, this way you can see how many calories you're taking into your body, where you can cut some out if you're not seeing the fat loss results you want, and modify it.
I suggest using a simple scribbler or notepad for this.
So there you have it three steps to a proper diet for six pack abs.
Nothing to technical, no cutting any particular good groups out (although I suggest you start reading nutritional information on food packages).
Drinking more water is something that you should implement into your life for good, as well as planning your meals.
Once you have a good handle on how much you're eating, the tracking part can be stopped.
How ever remember to replace high sugar or fat treats and snacks with fruits, vegetables, and lower fat options.

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