- 1). To purchase wholesale Pandora jewelry to sell, companies will ask you to provide them your resale tax ID number online or they may ask you to fax a copy of your resale tax ID.
- 2). Many wholesale companies require buyers to purchase a minimum amount. You should know how much money you want to spend on wholesale Pandora jewelry before you shop.
- 3). A few possible wholesale sources for Pandora jewelry can be found below. You can also do an Internet search using the search term "Pandora wholesale," but beware. Some sites may appear to be wholesale at first glance, but really aren't. Remember--a true wholesale source will have different prices for resellers than for the general public and will require your resale tax ID.
- 4). Some wholesalers may not allow you to mix and match your Pandora jewelry styles in one order. If you have to buy 10 of the same Pandora design, you may not be able to sell them all. Which charms are the hottest-selling designs? How long will it take to receive your order? What if there are problems with the merchandise? Can you send it back for a full refund, or will the wholesaler send a replacement piece? Only do business with wholesale Pandora suppliers who can answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision.
- 5). Decide what your mark-up will be on Pandora jewelry and what your retail price will be. The average retail mark-up on jewelry can be as high as 65 percent to 100 percent.
- 6). In order to sell Pandora and be successful, you should determine who your customers are and how they like to buy. If your target market is made up of working women, for example, you might build a website and sell Pandora online so customers have the convenience of buying any time. If your target market is bargain shoppers, an eBay store may work well for you. If you think teenage girls will be your best market, you might give away some free Pandora jewelry to the trendsetting teens in a local high school on the condition that they tell everyone where they got them.
- 7). Be sure to wear your Pandora jewelry everywhere you go. Leave a trail of business cards featuring a picture of your Pandora jewelry in every place you visit. Donate a few pieces of Pandora jewelry to your favorite local charitable organizations in exchange for advertising your business to their supporters.