Before embarking on any marketing campaign, it is always most important to identify the various objectives in which you are hoping to achieve with your marketing campaign, given the limited resources available to a daycare centre.
Know your customers The daycare centre should seek to get to know their customers better.
The daycare should employ effort to learn more about their customer so that they can better provide the daycare services that they are expecting.
Know your marketing environment It is also important for the daycare to know the environment in which it exists.
Daycare centres, regardless of how small an outfit, do not exist in a bubble.
The marketing efforts employed will be highly dependent on the internal and external environment in which it exists.
Tailor-make your marketing From the information gathered in the first and second points, the daycare should then relook at its current business and tailor the daycare services and pricing to specifically address the needs of the customers, marketing environment and competitive realities.
Following that, the daycare should develop marketing messages which they know will grab the attention of the daycare customers, make them interested enough to find out more, either via phone call or visit, and motivate them into engaging their daycare services.
Customer satisfaction Once the customer has successfully signed up with the daycare, the daycare should develop a customer service strategy to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, therefore ensuring that the customer continues to enroll the child in the daycare as well as word of mouth advertising.
Assumption is the mother of all foul ups.
Effort should therefore be made periodically to talk with the customers to obtain their inputs on the daycare services and how it is meeting their needs and wants.
From the information gather, the daycare should be able to accurately determine what are the areas that require fine tuning and what are the areas that it has done well.
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